Citizen Developers: Enabler or a Headache for IT?

** The following Text is a transcript of a presentation at Accesa in Motion Tech-Conference **

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital work, the rise of "citizen developers" marks a significant shift. These non-professional programmers leverage low-code or no-code platforms to create applications and automate processes, traditionally a domain reserved for IT professionals. However, the question remains: Are citizen developers enablers of innovation or potential headaches for IT departments?

A Journey from Visual Basic to Modern Low-Code Platforms

Reflecting on the past, many of us recall the headaches caused by Visual Basic within IT departments. Those early days of democratized development left behind legacy systems and outdated databases that still haunt organizations today. Now, as a senior business consultant, I strive to help businesses avoid similar pitfalls.

Today’s citizen developer environment is far more advanced, supported by numerous trends and tools. Platforms like Microsoft PowerApps, Mendix, and Salesforce Lightning empower users to create applications and workflows without extensive coding knowledge. This evolution has transformed low-code development from a novelty into a powerful tool for business innovation.

The Promise of Citizen Development

Citizen developers are pivotal in empowering business lines, offloading IT departments, and automating business processes at scale. They help improve efficiency and offer on-the-job training opportunities, reducing costs and fostering a sense of ownership among employees. However, with this empowerment comes the challenge of maintaining governance and control to ensure security and quality.

Addressing IT Pro Shortages and Boosting Productivity

The shortage of IT professionals is a significant challenge, with an estimated need for an additional 100,000 IT experts in Switzerland alone over the next five to six years. As IT becomes increasingly strategic, citizen development presents an opportunity to bridge this gap. The productivity gains from software are projected to exceed 25% in many businesses, making citizen development an essential strategy.

Democratization of Development: Empowerment and Risks

Low-code and no-code vendors promise to democratize development, enabling more employees to contribute to digital transformation. While this democratization is appealing, it requires a well-defined game plan to align actions with business goals and strategies. IT departments must balance empowerment with robust governance to avoid security breaches and ensure sustainable development practices.

Collaboration, Integration, and Skill Building

Effective citizen development requires collaboration between IT and business units. Establishing a Centre of Excellence can blend professional developers and citizen developers, fostering an agile approach to innovation. This cross-functional collaboration ensures that businesses can exploit low-code tools effectively, creating a culture of continuous improvement and rapid response to market changes.

The Role of Generative AI in Citizen Development

Generative AI, like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, further enhances the capabilities of citizen developers by assisting with coding and automation. By integrating AI, businesses can accelerate development processes and leverage AI's potential across various domains.

Building a Growth Mindset

Promoting a growth mindset within the organization is crucial. Empowering employees to innovate and create without waiting for IT investments accelerates idea generation and implementation. Training and skill-building initiatives led by IT departments can transform employees into proactive contributors to business success.

Conclusion: Empowerment with Caution

In summary, while citizen developers can significantly enhance business innovation and efficiency, they must be managed with a strategic approach. Balancing empowerment with governance, fostering collaboration, and leveraging AI are key to realizing the full potential of citizen development. By nurturing a culture of innovation and agility, businesses can turn potential headaches into opportunities for growth and success.

Contact Information:
- Urs Wermelinger
- Email:
- LinkedIn: [Urs Wermelinger](
- Phone: +41 79 6366006

For more insights and discussions on citizen development and business innovation, feel free to reach out.


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